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Dota Allstars 6.61
[ Скачать с сервера (3.70 Mb) ] 08.07.2009, 11:51

Название карты: Dota Allstars
  • Автор карты: IceFrog
  • Жанр: AoS,Hero Defense
  • Версия: 6.61
  • Язык: Английский
  • Кол-во игроков: 2-10
  • Поддержка компьютера: Нет
  • Размер: 128x128
  • Ландшафт: Felwood

    Вышедшая 07 июля 2009 года, версия карты Dota Allstars 6.61 EN.

    6.61 Changelog:

    ## Heroes & Items ##

    * Batrider: Lowered Strength gain from 2.5 to 2.0
    * Bloodskeer: Bloodbath no longer regenerates from images
    * Bone Fletcher: Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
    * Bone Fletcher: Rebalanced Strafe from 20/40/60/80 IAS with 30 seconds cooldown to 50/60/70/80 IAS with 60/50/40/30 seconds cooldown
    * Centaur: Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12 seconds)
    * Faceless Void: Improved base Strength (17->23)
    * Furion: Lowered Sprout cooldown from 11 seconds to 11/10/9/8 seconds and manacost from 115/140/165/205 to 100/120/140/160
    * Magnataur: Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you
    * Medusa: Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35 seconds)
    * Medusa: Minor improvements to Mystic Snake speed , cast range and cooldown
    * Medusa: Improved Mystic Snake's damage from 60/100/140/180 to 80/120/160/200
    * Meepo: Rescaled Geostrike from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20 damage per second
    * Nerubian Weaver: Reworked Watchers [details below]
    * Nerubian Weaver: Lowered Shukuchi cooldown from 13/11/9/7 to 12/10/8/6 seconds
    * Night Stalker: Improved Intelligence growth from 1.25 to 1.6
    * Ogre Magi: Reduced Multicast from 30%2x/45%2x+22.5%3x/60%2x+30%3x+15%4x ->25%2x/40%2x+20%3x/50%2x+25%3x+12.5%4x
    * Pandaren Brewmaster: Increased Drunken Brawler critical from 1.8x to 2.0x
    * Razor: Lowered Intelligence gain from 2.2 to 1.8
    * Rooftrellen: Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit (or other spells) will no longer take you out if you have it on you
    * Silencer: Transferred Glaive of Wisdom's secondary effect of +1/-1 Intelligence from hero kills to Last Word. If an enemy hero dies under the Last Word effect, that hero will lose 1 intelligence and you will gain 1 intelligence.
    * Silencer: Increased Last Word AoE from 700 to 900
    * Rebalanced Curse of the Silent from 10/20/30/40 HP and 5/10/15/20 mana per second for 10 seconds to 50 HP and 25 mana for 2/4/6/8 seconds.
    * Sniper: Increased Take Aim range from 55/110/165/220 to 65/130/195/260
    * Spectre: Decreased Spectral Dagger cooldown from 25 to 16 seconds
    * Tauren Chieftain: Lowered base damage by 10
    * Tauren Chieftain: Lowered Strength gain from 2.7 to 2.3
    * Tauren Chieftain: Decreased Natural Order percentages to 20/40/60/80%
    * Vengeful Spirit: Improved base Agility (22->27)
    * Viper: Nethertoxin now only works on enemy units
    * Witch Doctor: Increased base Intelligence from 19 to 24 (base damage adjust to remain the same though)
    * Aghanim's Scepter (Queen of Pain): Restored original cooldown improvement
    * Aghanim's Scepter (Shadow Shaman): Undid part of the nerf on Mass Serpent Wards. It now gives +3 (up 1 from 6.60, down 1 from 6.59d)
    * Buriza-Do Kyanon: Improved the critical value from 2.2x to 2.4x
    * Helm of Dominator: Converted creeps now gain the Resistant Skin ability, making spells duration on them the same as heroes or Spirit Bear.
    * Quelling Blade: Minor reduction to bonus damage (36->32)

    ## Bugs ##

    * Fixed natural regeneration on rax
    * Fixed an area where you could get stuck using TP scroll on the minimap.
    * Fixed -ns mode
    * Fixed a chance for duplicate heroes in -CD

    * Batrider: Fixed Radiance from triggering Sticky Napalm
    * Medusa: Fixed Splitshot triggering Essense Aura
    * Razor: Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field that caused it to be slightly off sometimes
    * Rooftrellen: Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs
    * Rooftrellen: Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly
    * Tauren Chieftan: Fixed bug with Natural Order sometimes instantly killing Forged Spirit summoned units

    * Aghanim's: Fixed minor incorrect sell value on some versions of the item
    * Khadgar's Pipe of Insight: No longer places the buff on units that already have it
    * Bottle: Usage no longer removes Curse of the Silent.
    * Linken Sphere: Fixed to properly block Mana Void and Nasal Goo
    * Poor Man's Shield: Fixed bug with -swap
    * Quelling Blade: Fixed bug with -swap
    * Quelling Blade: Fixed triggering Curse of the Silent
    * Rune: Fixed Regeneration sometimes not being removed when you are full if you use bottle at the same time
    * Rune: Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode

    ## Gameplay & Cosmetics ##

    * Removed the int/agi/str distribution in -CD. It is now like RD in its hero distribution.
    * Bottle: Now autorefills at fountain if it isn't fully used (2975)
    * Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
    * Sound Effects: Removed the "Allied hero has fallen" (heavily requested for removal due to annoyances)

    * Invoker: Added a new Icon for Sun Strike (5312)
    * Juggernaut: You no longer lose control while using Omnislash. You can use items like Dagger while Omnislashing (4938)
    * Slardar: Added a new icon for his Bash (3587)
    * Tidehunter: Added a new Anchor Smash visual effect (4393)
    * Gem of Truesight: Changed hotkey from T to I to help against some common misbuys
    * Increased the transparency a little more for the Circle Of Powers that aren't yours.
    * Fixed -SP moving your camera away from taverns
    * Fixed various minor inconcistences between sentinel and scourge units/buildings
    * Fixed some very minor inconsistencies with acquire ranges on some heroes
    * Observer Board colors now alternate between white and grey to make it a little more readable

    Old Watcher's:
    Cooldown: 30/20/10/5 seconds
    Movement Speed: 522
    HP: 1
    Bounty: 10-13
    Vision: 1400/1400

    Urna Swarm:
    Summons scarabs from corpses. The Scarab can burrow and become invisible.
    While it is unburrowed, it is visible to the enemy and has an Infestation
    ability. Has collision when unburrowed.
    Magic Immune.

    Cooldown: 14/11/8/5
    Movement Speed: 450
    HP: 200
    Armor: 6
    Bounty: 26-38
    Burrowed Vision: 400/400
    Normal Vision: 1400/1400

    Infestation: Can suicide to Silence enemy units 275 aoe around it for 3 seconds and deal 20 damage per second (non-stacking).

    Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб".

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